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Monday, March 9, 2015

Desert VS Dessert

So tonight we're sitting in small group listening to the story of one of the couples.  As they shared, they were saying that they felt like the Israelites who were wandering through the desert and they were afraid they may even be the generation that didn't make it into the Promised Land. So much of what they said resonated with our story. What I'm learning is to be patient and to listen and learn in those desert times. I know that God has been faithful to us. Just like the Israelites, I can look back and see how He gives us just what we need at just the right time, the manna in the desert. I'm not loving the desert times of life but I know they're part of the journey. I see God's hand working in our lives and I love that!! I'm trying to focus on that. Love the dessert times but know the desert times are equally as valuable for me!!